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Forum Posts

Resolved! Schematic of NUCLEO Board missing

Hi, I have bought a NUCLEO-F756ZG board to explore the F7 controller.I need the schematic to work with it. In the manual: is only a note on pag...

Moritz1 by Associate III
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Resolved! ADC Sample Rate

I am doing current control with PWM. The switch provides a current sense pin which is going to my ADC.I am using STM32F4. I am also using FreeRTOS, not sure if this is important though.My ADC is set to run at 84MHz with 4x prescaler. The conversion i...

TonyFauci by Associate II
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Facing issues with interrupts

Hi,I face some issue with the interrupts of STM32L452RET6P. I have two codes running in the controller one is a custom bootloader code and other is an application code which stored in flash memory. when the device get reset it will run the custom boo...

SSaiy.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H757 Ethernet communication not working

Hello ST TeamI am working on medical project involving patient monitoringCurrently we are using the STM32H757XI-EVAL board and trying communicate the host monitor via ethernet TCP/UDP. The underlying operating system is Azure RTOS.I am not able to fi...

Lokesh1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to edit RTC Alarm parameters

Hi, I use RTC alarm to wake up from STOP mode I have STM32F030C8T6. During initialization I have set 5s and everything works as it should. But I would need to change the interval to maybe 30s while the program is running. The problem is that the chan...

DJeze.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Nucleo STM32U575ZI-Q low level USART receiving help

Hi all,I am using the Nucleo STM32U575ZI-Q and have been trying to get low level USART with DMA working. Transmitting data works fine as I can see the data using a logic analyser but when I try to receive data either from another Nucleo or putting th...

JNoon.1 by Associate III
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Posted on March 10, 2016 at 11:19 I am using a custom made STM32F302RE board. I have configured my SPI as follows: hspi2.Instance = SPI2; hspi2.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER; hspi2.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES; hspi2.Ini...