Which bootloader for STM32F407VET6 ?
Hi,Does anyone know which bootloader to use for this damn board (STM32F407VEt6). I have tested several of them but it is still not recognized by Win10Thank you in advance
Hi,Does anyone know which bootloader to use for this damn board (STM32F407VEt6). I have tested several of them but it is still not recognized by Win10Thank you in advance
Hello Community, I am currently working with a stm32f302rc microcontroller, I need to configure my ADC2 to measure the reference voltage of operating amplifier 2 (Vrefopamp2) (it is internally connected to channel 17 of the ADC).I need this to check ...
Some STM32's have VDD and VDDUSB. Setting VDD to 1.8V and VDDUSB to 3.3V, the GPIOs work at 1.8 V, and USB keeps working (the USB transceiver needs 3.3V). Each time, there is a note that VDDUSB has to be the last power supply to be active when poweri...
We are using a the Microcontroller for one of our products , we are using two UARTS for communication , however when both the UARTS are enabled we are facing some difficulties in the communication, can anybody help in this ?Attached is the main file ...
Hello,I tried copying BSP and Utils folders from "Repository/STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.1" into my project, I included them in "Paths and symbols" project settings too.When trying to build the code, I encountered a lot of compiler errors of symbols not be...
Hi TeamI am working on the ST provided package with TF-M Example and working on adding the smart card interface at uart3(without using cube mx setup). I have a working code with smart code with TF-M Structure(GTZC enabled) and using Cube MX. I used t...
We've developed an oceanographic profiling float that runs unattended at sea for as long as the batteries last. In normal operation, the float sits on the ocean bottom, wakes up every 6 hours and ascends to the surface acquiring data as it goes up. W...
Trying to get a basic sample DAC1 with DMA, triggered by TIM2 working. This should be trivial, works fine on SMT32F3. I'm using a Nucleo-32 SMT32G431.Using Cube IDE. The only non IDE-generated code in main is: /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ static uint...
Hello,I'm trying to build a setup to test SPI communication between a master and a slave.The master side works well, when the master ask for a read, it sends a byte of register address and ask for 2 byte of reading (I can see 16 clock ticks for the r...
Hi everyone,I recently triggered a bug in multiple projects using the same MCU STM32L151ZC. When booting the CPU I reproducibly get an assert_failed() call from HAL_RCC_OscConfig(). I created a clean project in CubeIDE to analyse the problem, which I...