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Forum Posts

Continuous DMA from memory to SPI

We need to continuously DMA a single 16-bit word to the SPI transmitter. (Neither the memory address nor the peripheral address would increment.) Can this be done without intervention? I.e. do we have to use a DMA Complete interrupt to set a flag and...

SoCalJim by Associate III
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Resolved! BOOTING STM32F469

@STOne-32 , @Peter BENSCH, @Tesla DeLorean HI! I have my wiring below and I wonder what is wrong with it. Hope someone can give me some help!! my BOOT0 -> LOW, PDR_ON -> HIGH, BYPASS_REG -> LOW. And I have the following connections to the ST LINK:NRS...

kicad_cropped.jpg kicad_1.jpg

Using I2C Communication Protocol with LCD

STM32F407G DISC-1   STMCubeIDEGreetings, I am trying to send data to LCD screen by using I2C Communication Protocol. I succeed in doing it by using HAL library. Also, my current work does work in debug mode.However, I could not make it work by runnin...

Resolved! STM32H7A3ZI-Q getting random values from ADC

Hello, I'm currently trying to develop a bare-metal ADC driver for my Nucleo STM32H7A3ZI-Q Board. I have done all the necessary steps in order to setup the ADC, however I still get random values from the data register, even though I have my PF11 (or ...

ikok07 by Associate
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STM32N6x7 - Wireless Time Synchronization

Hi,My team would like to design an array of indoor embedded boards using the STM32N6x7 processor (for AI support). We need these boards to synchronize their time / clock wirelessly.Does STMicroelectronics have any existing products or plans for a sol...

MikeE by Associate
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Resolved! Bad voltage on VREF+ pin (VDD instead of VREFBUF)

I'm using an STM32H743VIT6 (rev V in LQFP100 package), powered at 3.3V and programmed with STM32CubeIDE.I'm using the ADC2 and ADC3, and also want to use the VREFBUF voltage (available on VREF+ pin) programmed for 2.5V. The *.ioc file is generated wi...

FRAUBRY by Associate II
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STM32H563RGT6 flash HW bug even with BL=0xE5?

I've noticed some strange behavior when doing sector erase on this device.I erase sector 0..63 on bank 2 and write my data. I can confirm that this operation is correct by reading the flash starting on 0x08080000 using stm32cubeprogrammer.As a verifi...

Dimlite by Associate III
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Ressistive touch screen connection

Hey,I want to use the stm32h743 mcu, and to connect with a touch screen interface RGB the EVB there is a capacitive touch screen.Does someone used before a ressistive touch screen with the mcu, including a resistive touch controller ?i would l...

Pkats.1 by Associate II
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