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my post is more formal than technical. Is it okay to use products that are based on GigaDevice microcontrollers? Is this company just competition, or does it violate ST patents and products with these chips should not be supported? What is ST's posit...
Hi! I have problem with setting option bytes from program. Setting OBs from Cube Programmer working good. MCU im using is STM32G0B1.  I found and implement this function:   HAL_StatusTypeDef optionByteSetBootFromPin(void) { FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeD...
HI!I'm trying to impelemnt watchdog on my CAN devices, but i cannot force CAN error for testing.hcan1->ErrorCode is always 0 value, even if i disconnect CAN and no device are acknowledging message(no ack have its own error code in HAL).I see on oscil...
Hi!Thats my first time working with STM32_WPAN.How to simply add battery state service to P2P_Server example?I dont know how to add ANY service to any example. Code has many layers, and a lot of files. Too complicated for first attempt...I just want ...
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