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Forum Posts

STM32U575 change PWM output duty realtime

I tried to change PWM output duty without stopping or suspending PWM output, but between two times of writing new value to CCR, there must be a delay time inserted in. Following is the example code:/* if delay_ms(300), code can run correctly, if chan...

Using the FMC of the STM32U575 for SDRAM

Hello everyone,I am currently working with a STM32U575ZIT6 and am trying to connect as much RAM as possible to its FMC peripheral. However, SRAM and PSRAM are not available in the sizes I am looking for, so I was wondering if it would be possible to ...

PKolo.1 by Associate II
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1. SPI communication between MCU and MPU.

Hi,I am working on SPI bus communication between IMX6dl MPU and STM32L476 MCU.MPU work as a master device and MCU work as a slave device.Configuration of MPU is:pinctrl_ecspi3: ecspi3grp {               fsl,pins = <                       MX6QDL_PAD_D...

SPare.9 by Associate II
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Fan Out of single SPI interface in STM32F745IG

Hello Community!,I am working on STM32F745IG, where i am interfacing 24 SPI slaves to STM32F745IG MCU. Please let me know how many slaves can be connected to single SPI interface in STM32F745IG?. I looked into datasheet, I couldn't able to find. Than...