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Forum Posts

Disabling the interrupt

I have enabled two interrupts. First one is EXTI  for GPIOA0 Pin and another is UART3 for RXCALLBACK.I want to disable EXTI interrupt when UART interrupt is triggered and enable again EXTI interrupt once the task is completed.I used __disable_irq(5) ...

Nico3 by Senior
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Resolved! STM32H7 DFP 3.1.1 spi issue

Hiwe are working with a STM32H7 project. Recently we upgrade the packages and the Keil.STM32H7xx_DFP.2.5.0 grow up to DFP 3.1.1.Since the upgrading, the SPI start to fail (some data bits were wrong in every reading). Downgrading to DFP 2.5.0 it works...

Main Flash memory endurance

Hi Team i have one doubt i am using stm32wle5cc controller and  stm32wle5cc controller have 256Kb flash memory and each page is 2Kb. and  stm32wle5cc controller  flash memory support  10k cycles write operations after completes 10k write operations w...

kRaje.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Enabling instruction prefetch in the HAL (potential bug)

Hello,According to the reference manual RM0456 7.3.3:"Prefetch is enabled by setting PRFTEN in FLASH_ACR.PRFTEN must be set only if at least one wait state is needed to access the flash memory" Compared to that I've seen that in the U5 HAL, in the fu...

GG.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! CAN Communication U5A5ZJ-Q

Hello It's been days now that I'm trying to work with the CAN Communication on the U5A5ZJ-Q. I couldn't find any documentation on it (aside from the FDCAN), Hence, I would like to get some documentation on the board since there are CAN Tx and CAN Rx ...

lfresnay by Associate II
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STM32F429 Disc1 LED5 (Vbus pin is working)

Hello guys, I have an issue that when I program the board, LED5(it says Vbus LED) is lighting. (it is green) Datasheet of the board hasn't got a info or i cant see any info about that.Could you help me with this issue ? Thank you...