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Hello,I have been working on a project that requires USB communication with an STM32 MCU. Unfortunately, the computer cannot recognize the device.On the hardware side, I am using the STM32H725VGT6 mcu, an isolator, and a USB-C connector with some ESD...
Hello, I have designed and assembled a SMPS based on the EVAL-STCH03-45W evaluation board. What I have noticed, is that the power supply is outputting 1 Hz pulses with short buzzing sounds. These symptoms usually mean the hiccup mode is activated. Ho...
 Hello,I have designed a PCB with 3 STM32H725VGT6 MCUs, and assembled them according to my schematic:(sorry for this resolution, this is from a converted pdf)All 3 MCUs are the same, from this schematic.R5 and R2 are just 0R jumpers to select the boo...
Hello,I have implemented 4 wire SPI for my SSD1362 OLED controller. Here are my SPI transfer functions (both normal and DMA) void HAL_SPI_TxCpltCallback(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi) { // Deselect when Tx Complete if (hspi == &hspi1) { HAL_GPIO_WriteP...
Hello,I would like to know whether I understood the application note about the Vcap pins correctly. If there are 3 Vcap pins on the package, then 2 capacitors should be placed and one has to be connected to another. I'm not sure about this connection...
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