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Resolved! LCD parallel Interface vs LCD TFT Controller

I have an 8 bit parallel, 240x280 TFT display and was wondering:What's the difference between the "LCD parallel Interface" and the "LCD TFT Controller" under the "Display controller" section?Is there a significant difference in fps or processing cons...

btorres by Associate II
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ADC results randomly sorted

Hi Iam using STM32F407 discovery board and iam trying to sample 8channels of an ADC. Iam trigerring the ADC with a timer and Iam also using DMA whitch interups the code when the DMA buffer is full. Timer freq is 12kHz. DMA is in circular mode.Problem...

Chochy_0-1694615211925.png Chochy_1-1694615224140.png Chochy_2-1694615232630.png Chochy_3-1694615313356.png
Chochy by Associate
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Resolved! Nucleo l010RB weird label and strange spi behavior

Hi,I buy a new board L010RB, but it is labelled with classic strap "NUCLEO-L010RB" but there is one line after with is "NUL010RB$AU2". I had a couple of L010RB before but it's the first time i have such label on it.I'm wondering what is mean.Plus I'm...

JAgue.1 by Associate II
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Riverdi (display) connection with external PHY

Hello. I have a RIVERDI display with the STM32H757XIH6 (2MB Flash, 1MB RAM) microcontroller. I am trying to develop for this display a program  in order to connect it with an external PHY. In my research for external PHY I have found the LAN8720. Alt...

Resolved! STM32G030 BOOT0 versus SWD

STM32G030 datasheet indicates BOOT0 is PA14-BOOT0 and that SWDIO is PA13 and SWDCLK is PA14-BOOT0.Upon power up, how does the STM32G030 know whether PA14-BOOT0 is controlling whether to enter bootloader mode or is SWDCLK?Since STM32G030 has no JTAG c... Virtual COM Port under Ports (COM & LPT)

Dear STM32U585AIIXQ Community,I recently acquired an development board and have been attempting to establish a communication link with my computer via the USB interface. Unfortunately, my computer is not recognizing the COM port associated ...


Resolved! serial.peek() and serial.flush() equivalent in STM32

I'm trying to port a UART driver from aurdino to STM32. Able to relate all interfaces for aurdino vs STM32 while can't able to map ones for the followingserial.peek()serial.flush()Does HAL have an direct interface as peek() to get the next byte of in...

darthana by Associate
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TICK_INT_PRIORITY changes from 0 to 15 and vice-versa

STM32CubeIDE - Version: - Version: 6.8.1-RC4  Build: 20230419-1431 (UTC)I just added two DMA channels to UART1 and noticed a change in stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h The project uses LwIP and FreeRTOS. FreeRTOS relies on TIM6 as...

ARaid.1 by Associate III
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