Resolved! STM32F107RC6 Unique device ID Register
I would like to read the unique device ID to check whether the product is good or not.Do you have a unique number?Please tell us.
I would like to read the unique device ID to check whether the product is good or not.Do you have a unique number?Please tell us.
Hi everyone,I am trying to generate an arbitrary PWM waveform using DMA burst write according to AN4776. It works in principle, except of one thing: If i want to have more than one pulse with a specifig period/pulse setting, the RCR should be used. H...
I have created a new project in eclipse and have taken CubeMx configured files into my project and did relevant settings and able to build it. Now I have to flash it to my Nucleo-H743ZI2 board using ST-Link and OpenOCD but am betting logs like this a...
Hi Team i have one question can i write data into stm32wl series boards OTP memory using j-link debugger softwares like segger j flash commander or segger j flash memory.i have another question is it possible to write data into stm32wl series boards ...
Hello,I'm trying to run software on a STM32F769I-EVAL board, generating initialisation code with STM32CubeMX.I use the default template for the board in CubeMX. The code is generated with no problem. But when debugging, it never goes to the main loop...
Hello, I am using STM32L4 series controller. I want to use USB OTG in dual mode where I want to run USB device and Host on same application. facing an issue when I select USB_OTG_FS as OTG/Dual_Role_device using cubemx tool then in middleware USB_HOS...
Hi, I am new to STM32CubeIDE. I am doing a PWM pulse generation project in STM32F411CEU6. After the configuration, I am successful in generating code. The debugging was also successful. But when I start Run, the message is popping up " No ST-LINK det...
I am using nucleo491re MCU to communicate with tca9537 GPIO-Expander . I want to use GPIO for on/off in tca9537 based on i2c . IN tca9537 I have four resister 1. Input(read) address( 0x01) 2.output (read/write) address(0x02) 3.polarity address( 0x...
Hello! I'm using USART with DMA and when I disconnect the Rx cable, sometimes the communication resumes and sometimes not. How can I always recover USART Rx?I tries reseting it with RCC using the line: RCC->APB2RSTR ^= RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST; // USAR...
All,I'm finding that concurrent DMA driven SPI transfers are failing.its STM32H743, Latest HAL, latest Cube and followed all rules with cache configuration etc etc.I’m running this in different FreeRTOS threaads and if I put a mutex around the HAL DM...