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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32h725 Slave PSSI bad length

Hello,I'm trying to use the PSSI bus in slave mode to transmit data from a small FPGA. After some time chasing a weird bug (I'm losing 8 32bit words at the end of packet) I decided to use a logic analyzer on the bus and it showed a weird behavior fro...

mkhairy_0-1692434379099.png mkhairy_1-1692434419928.png USB_dump_start.png BUS_dump_start.png
mkhairy by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F401 Datasheet Error? Vih

So table 54 Vih for 5V tolerant pins is 0.7Vdd. For Vdd 3.3V this is 2.31V.I'm having input capture trigger on signals that only reach 1.8V with 100% consistency on 4 pins.Most stm32f4 the Vih for the same pins is 0.45Vdd + 0.3V, which would be 1.65V...

TonyFauci by Associate II
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Resolved! Excluding DMA from Scatter File CCM memory section

Hi, I have created scatter file: ; ************************************************************* ; *** Scatter-Loading Description File for STM32F4 *** ; ************************************************************* LR_IROM1 0x08004000 0x00...

JBond.1 by Senior
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Resolved! STM32F44: UART Noise/Frame error with externel CPU clock

HiI have a self designed board (STM32F44 MCU) with an UART communication. It works well as long as I configure it to use the internal clock. As soon as I switch to the external clock (oscillator), the UART communication gives a noise and frame error ...

Corono by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 | MPUs in dual cores

Hello @ all,I'm dealing with a project with stm32H755 MCU, as you know it is made of two cores: cortex-M7 and cortex-M4. Keeping in mind I'm using a few peripherals, among which FDCAN, SPI and most importantly lwIP/ETH, I'm trying to put together all...

Zzaaack by Associate III
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HAL_TIM_Base_Start_DMA - STM32CubeMX

Posted on September 14, 2016 at 12:27I've try to use HAL_TIM_Base_Start_DMA with TIM6.To configure the system I'm using STM32CubeMX. We I start the project I can't receive any interrupt...HELP.In Attachment the ioc file.My change after code generati...