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Forum Posts

STM32F103RCT6 - BusFault on address 0x20010000

Hi all,I'm trying to debug a bus fault that happen on a region on ram that is not supposed to exists. MCU has 48kb of RAM, so start from 0x20000000 to 0x2000C000, but i'm able to write 0xFF from 0x2000C000 to 0x20010000.. why??I can see also some dat...

rdzdvd by Associate II
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System bootloader

Hello,I'm currently working on a system bootloader using an STM32L4P5VGTx board. During this process, the board entered an unknown state and doesn't seem to recover even after a reset.I also attempted to use the Cube Programmer tool to load a bin fil...

pvall.1 by Associate II
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SPI Clock rate limitation?

TL;DR. What are the limiting factors for incoming clock speed for an SPI peripheral operating in slave mode?I'm using the STM32U575 MCU with a few peripherals, and am clocking it down to 16MHz for SYSCLK and all related peripherals.  I'm generating a...

sethkaz by Associate III
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Using SPI to interface to TI ADC & DAC

hi, i m a student learning STM32 for the first time, my project now is to interface stm32h7 using SPI to TI ADC TLV1570 and DAC TLV5608. Anyone has tutorial and any reading material on this to share? thanks in advance.