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Resolved! Crypto library rsa signature not matching with openssl

Hi,I would use the STM32 Crypto Library. I have the 4.0.1 version.I just compiled and run the RSA\PKCS1v1.5_SignVerify example on my L4 micro and it is successful. Then, I generated with openssl a new 1024 key pair and signed a custom message. Then I...

lukin by Associate III
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Resolved! CRC check for received data through UART

Hi,I am sending/receiving data using UART between STM32G4 board and other board. While I am sending the data I am adding the CRC and transmitting it through UART to other board. While receiving how do I check the CRC correct or not.For Eg: From other...

Resolved! STM32H735VGH as VBUS powered device

I'm configuring STM32H735VGH MCU  for communicating by USB_OTG full speed, Device mode and want to power it by VBUS.Suggest me best whether power distribution switch is required or not ?

shaktipg by Associate II
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application note and data sheets

In the installed STM32Cube Repository there are hundreds of application notes and data sheets, does anybody know where there is a list of contents?  It would take a long time to open them all to check or get the right grep phrase to search.

billium by Associate
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Resolved! L431 debug stops after enabling timer update interrupt

Hi all, I have encountered a problem where the debug would stop working as soon as the program hits the line where TIM15's update interrupt is enabled. From there the program appears to be still running but would not stop at any breakpoints and live ...

ZJing by Associate III
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USB HID sample code

Hi team,              I am using one usb-nfc dongle from microE, to integrate it with my board. That dongle is already has code of HID and it is stand alone is working fine (when I connected it to my laptop directly), however am facing challenges whe...

Shikamaru by Associate III
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