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Hello,I am trying to generate a pulse-triggered waveform continuously by using DAC and DMA in STM32H735RGV6. To do this, I have opened DAC OUT1 with the following configuration.After that, I set up the TIM12 with the following configuration and expec...
Hello Sir/Madam,I am working on STM32H735RGV6 for interleaved mode single dma. I am having problems while getting samples from the DMA controller with ADC. The problem is as the following.1. If I want to get 8192 or a smaller number of samples, there...
We have a design based on STM32H735RGV6. We are trying to move our design to STM32H725RGV6.These two MCUs are pin compatible and can be used in the same design without changing the board design.However, we are not sure about using the same software i...
Hello dear,I will use "STM32H735RGV6" with an external crystal. In the datasheet, it is stated that "External oscillators: 4-50 MHz HSE". However, in CubeIde I cannot assign 50MHz since it is limited to 48MHz. Could you help with this issue?