User Activity

Do I need to disable global interrupts for internal flash erase and write operations?  __disable_irq(); erase(); __enable_irq(); __disable_irq(); write(); __enable_irq();      
I have been learning NUCLEO-H563ZI using Keil recently.But I couldn't find the board level support package for the STM32H5 series on ST's official website.I have been download STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32H5 series,but i I can't find xx.pack file i...
The following is the code generated by X-CUBE-AI of STM32CubeIDE ,but I can't understand it. /** Array declarations section **********************************************/ /* Array#0 */ AI_ARRAY_OBJ_DECLARE( input_1_output_array, AI_ARRAY_FORMAT_...
I'm trying to transfer data to the upper computer using virtual port com on STM32G473RET6.But how to recognize USB ready before transfering data?if (USBD_STATE_CONFIGURED == hUsbDeviceFS.dev_state) { CDC_Transmit_FS(UserTxBufferFS, payload_len); }...
Hi,I'm trying to analyze my Keras model (converted from Keras) in STM32 X-CUBE-AI version 8.1.0. But it shows this error: TOOL ERROR: 'gbk' code can't decode byte 0xb8 in position 577:illegal multibyte sequence.As shown in the picture.But I I'm tryin...
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