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Hi, i'm dealing with fdcan and have problems with high speeds, 1Mbps works good, but 8Mbps (which works in loopback mode) doesn't, I tried with delay compensation, but didn't work, or maybe i used it wrong way? static void MX_FDCAN1_Init(void){ /* US...
Hello, i'm testing FDCAN in my stm32g431 and it doesn't work well. Messeges goes throught it, even if ID doesn't match (TxHeader.Identifier = 0x102 shouldn't pass, but it does!) static void MX_FDCAN1_Init(void){hfdcan1.Instance = FDCAN1;hfdcan1.Init....
Hello!I’ve been working with STSPIN32G4 for while with low voltage (9V), it works goodI set 24V and have problems with nFaults, it being set, meaning that driver is turned off, although no fault is indicated, status register: 10001000D3 Indicates if ...
Hello, I have a problem with running code, generated by motor workbench:Guess it is not hardware problem, because i can run another project on it. Error in final launch sequence: Failed to execute MI command:load C:\\Users\\tomek\\OneDrive\\Dokumenty...
Hello, I need help with stspin32g4 I'm programming it with nucleo-64 SWDI wrote a program with blinking led, then trying to start debbugging, i got "Break at address "0x1fff4b14" with no debug information available, or outside of program code."despit...