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Forum Posts

STM32F103C8 with Watchdog Timer

i try to crash my code to check the watchdog timer is reseting the code or not. for crashing my code i use timer interrupt. i.e TIM2_IRQHandler(){ ---------------; ---------------;}TIM_IRQHandler() instead of TIM2_IRQHandler . so, code will be ...

STM32F410 PLL Jitter on PWM

Hello,i want to use a really precise PWM signal but i get a lot of Jitter on it.I am using the F410 with a 16Mhz crystal. The PLL produces from there a Frequency of 100Mhz (I need this high frequency for my other tasks).The rest of my hardware needs ...

PDieh.1 by Associate III
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I want to read Temperature data in register [20h,21h] , but the data I read are 0x00 , should I setting which register ?  

KevinHSU by Associate
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Resolved! Issue with STM32F107VCT6 Data Corruption when Resetting nRESET

Hello,I am using the STM32F107VCT6 microcontroller and, under normal circumstances, it works flawlessly. However, I have been encountering an issue where data in a specific memory area becomes corrupted when I toggle the nRESET pin at 2-3 second inte...

NS by Associate II
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Resolved! Some I3C Speed Rates are not available?

Hi,I am working with  STM32H5RBT6U:How do I calculate the frequency of the I3C Controller? Is there documentation to cover the content?I tried using CubeMX to set the frequency, but strangely, all the frequencies work fine except 3~5MHz. The exceptio...

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Resolved! RTC Alarm EventCallback called only 1 time

Working with the RTC I'm having some issue with the callback only being called a single time. void HAL_RTC_AlarmAEventCallback(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc) { RTC_AlarmTypeDef sAlarm; uint32_t hobb_time; __HAL_RTC_ALARM_CLEAR_FLAG(hrtc, RTC_FLAG_AL...

Square wave of 2, 4, 8 Mhz generation.

Posted on January 09, 2015 at 16:49Hi I'm a newbie to stm32 , I have a STM32F4 Discovery board with me. So what I want to do is to generate 2Mhz,4Mhz,8Mhz square wave  on any of the Pins on the Header. Can you please provide some sample code for th...