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Hi, I would like to know method and sample code storing data without erasing whole memory page. I do refer example FLASH_EraseProgram, but i have wrote program that almost finish up the flash memory, if i erase a page, a 2KB page, it will erase my co...
Hi, when configure MCU to deep sleep mode as the low power mode, it seems okay when debugging. But, when only power up STM32C0 by just connected its vcc and ground, it do not enter its interrupt. How can I solve it?My project goals are to achieve low...
Hi, here I am facing the problem on I2C interrupt if USART enabled IT, my I2C IT does not work but it work correct if USART does not enable it interrupt. Any setting i missed out?
Hi, may have some reference on writing flash into STM32C0 using STM32CubeIDE? I tried to write program just to eraser flash and it enter the function HardFault_Handler(). Here are my codes:  void myFlash_init(void){FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef flash_erase_...
Hi, may i know how do i declare the debug pins (PA13, PA14) as input pins after programming?
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