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Forum Posts

Protection against HRTIM output locking high

I am using an STM32G474 to create an inverting buck-boost converter, but after damaging a few boards, I realized that there is a series design issue that could short 24V to ground through an inductor if the HRTIM output pin ever goes high unexpectedl...


Resolved! Excessive MCU heat after debugging

I have a design that uses two HRTIM outputs from an STM32G474 MCU to provide a PWM signal to two external half-bridge gate drivers to drive two DSMPS, a buck converter and an inverting buck-boost converter.  After several debugging sessions, the MCU ...


Resolved! Read 96 bit UDID through serial bootloader or SWD

Hello,I am working on the STM32F103xx. I need to read out the 96 bit UDID (unique device ID) of the devices during production. Is there any way of reading this out from the serial bootloader on UART1 or through the SWD interface? I searched the AN315...

machinist by Associate III
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STM32L562 Using TIM1 to trigger ADC1 Ch1 sampling at 5 kHz with DMA1 storing to a circular buffer. Stores 12 samples, then no further samples stored. What can stop this chain from functioning?

Here is the setup (Using timer 1 - 16 Mhz clock, counter = 3200) using OC channel to produce scope signal on output pin):void MX_TIM1_Init(void) {   /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_Init 0 */   /* USER CODE END TIM1_Init 0 */   TIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sC...

Grizz by Associate III
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Adc in stm32f446re

Analog source is potentiometerMcu board is nucleo f 446reI am verifying adc code in debug mode with above hardware .as i rotate potentiometer  change in adc value can be observed.but when I don't rotate also, I am able to see the variation in 12bit v...

Resolved! I2C_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout return HAL_ERROR

Hi,​I am using STM32F303RETb (NUCLEO-F303) to try I2C for another device. But always return HAL_ERROR into HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive(). By the way of I2C_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout.What are the possible problems with this error?​this part is setting code in ...

K.4 by Associate
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stm32U575 GPDMA PWM

STM32CubMx 版本 6.9.1GPDMAPWM配置法典/* TIM4 初始化函数 */void MX_TIM4_Init(void){/* 用户代码以 4 开头TIM0_Init *//* 用户代码结束 TIM4_Init 0 */TIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sClockSourceConfig = {0};TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0};TIM_OC_InitTypeDef sConfigOC = {0};/* ...

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