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Forum Posts

Receving a string from terminal via UART

Hey, I would like to a string from terminal via UART in order to complete a challange given by Digi-Key YouTube channel in FreeRTOS tutorial playlist. Anyway, I want to take the whole string given by user in terminal, but I couldn't so far. I tried  ...

Resolved! Cannot read ID from external flash (OSPI1) on STM32H735-DK

Hello all, I was trying to follow the example in MOOC - STM32H72x/3x hands-on workshop - 6 Code execution from external FLASHI have configured the OSPI as per the board requirements in CubeMX. But the `OSPI_Init()` function fails while trying to read...

NRedd.2 by Associate III
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Resolved! Can not set up PWM for a different Pin than PA5

Hey,after trying to setup a different PIN for example: PC0 for PWM I just can not get it to work.But this sample code works only for PA5:  #include "stm32f3xx.h" int main(void) { RCC->AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_GPIOAEN; RCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2E...

SDIO 4 bit mode with STM32CubeMX

I would like to use SDIO with 4 bit mode with FatFS. I use STM32F429I Discovery board and I wired a micro SD card board to it. The SD card is a 16 GB SanDisk Ultra A1 card formatted to FAT32.This is the micro SD card board:

djhtml by Associate II
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STM32WB Fast Programming with FSTPG

Greetings,We are adding an OTA procedure to our firmware that depends on a small loader at the start of flash which is responsible for programming the main application written to program flash at a higher address.  The procedure works fine as it is, ...

Resolved! STM32G030 SPI master read issue

I use in my project stm32g030f6p6 to communicate with ADXL345 by 4-wire SPI. I have no problem with transmition, yet with reading I run into serious problem, that doesn't mentioned in Errata.My SPI configuraton is CPOL 1, CPHA 1, speed 1MHz. I use Lo...

KhPaul by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F767 QSPI Slave

Hi, I have the following questions about QSPI in STM32F767:1.  Is it possible to configure the board as QSPI Slave? I could not find any option in the CubeMX Tool to choose between master and slave. 2. Is the QSPI peripheral of this board strictly li...