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I2C and SWD connected wrongly

Hi,I ordered a PCB and after I had soldered all the components I noticed that in the PCB there was a connection between my SWD interface to I2C pins (PF0, PF1) and SWD pins were connected to the I2C bus. I tried short-circuiting them with a tiny copp...

JS8 by Senior
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Wakeup from standby with Wakeup Pin

Posted on June 25, 2014 at 13:00 I want know if is possible to wakeup the MCU(STM32F4) fromstandby power mode with only the Wakeup pin, without setting the RTC allarm. i have try this but the MCU don't wakeup. HAL_EnableDBGSta...

STM32U585 I2C SCL remains low and I2C hangs

Hi,I have two STM32L0 (slave) and STM32U585 (master) MCUs. I have no issue when Slave transmits data to Master. But, if Master transmits signal to Slave, it sends all the 9 clock pulses with address bits, but then the SCL remains low while SDA return...

ashah.16 by Associate II
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stm32f103 startup io initialization problem

hello.this is the first time I've had this problem , I describe this problem next:1 the io initialization input is normal (this is the feature I want)2 when I power off and restart, I find that the same pin initialization input is not responding3 rep...

shan chen by Associate II
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DS18B20 Match Rom command fail

Hi. I'm using STM32F030C8T6 MCU to communicate with multiple DS18B20. I'm using Timers to make 1us delay. I set my prescaler to 48-1. and I'm running on 48MHz clock. when i connect two sensors to my MCU, i can't read temperature, so for testing i dis...

MNoro.2 by Associate II
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typo/unclear in stm32f411's datasheet

Hi community,after searching quite a long time for a bug on my board I found it. It was due to an unclear phrasing of the stm32f411's datasheet in table8/p39: for the QFP64 package pin 13 is not only vref but also VDDA.It would be much clearer to wri...

ak by Associate
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