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Forum Posts

STM32 Receive Multiple DMX Universes

Hey there,another question. I can successful output 8 DMX universes received via Artnet using DMA (Mem->Periph). At the same time I want the possibility to receive upto 8 different DMX signals connected to the MCU. Therefore I hooked up the receive l...

PUrsu.1 by Associate II
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STM32H745 ethernet and telnet uart!

Hi All, I am looking to use the STM32H745 dual-core chip in my next design. I currently use a CH9121 device that handles the transparent ethernet to UART bridge for me and looking to incorporate this functionality into the STM32H745 on the M4 process...

ENort.1 by Associate III
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Can ROHS BGA be used with SnPb solder?

It's my understanding that it is a bad idea to mix lead-free and leaded solder, and that it can cause cracks.I'm using a TFBGA100 package on an STM32H7 and have some long-term reliability requirements. In order to avoid tin-whiskers, I was considerin...

Resolved! purpose of RCC_RSR_RMVF

I read RCC RSR to determine the cause of reset. It is not clear to me the purpose of RMVF bit. I guess it resets the other flags but why would I want that ? I wonder if I am missing something.

mete by Senior II
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adc external trigger

Posted on March 23, 2017 at 12:06i search in google and i can't find any adc external trigger example code i found timer trigger only.i want adc start conversion when external  pulse found.i want any example code

elec_st by Associate III
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Resolved! Maximum external clock frequency for STM32H5 timers

What is the maximum clock source frequency can I use as an external clock for timer?I have a 20MHz source and PLL frequency made out of this source. The purpose - generate lower frequency pulses that synchronous to that 20MHz clock with controlled de...

ichudakov by Associate II
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