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Resolved! Mrgrate STM32G0B1 to STM32G0B0?

Dear SIR, We want to use STM32G0B0 to develop our project. We want to use EVK to write code before our board comes.But there is NO STM32G0B0 EVK, only STM32G0B1 EVK exist.(or NUCLEO-G0B1RE,

E-John by Associate III
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Issue with Fatfs on SLC micro SD with wear leveling

Hello,I'm using a microSD connected with SPI to a STM32F4 microcontroller. I have used MLC micro SD card with fatfs for years without any issues. Recently, I have switched to SLC NAND micro SD, Industrial grade, with Wear Leveling (for application sp...

frnt by Senior
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Missing information in G431 Manual

I got two things i dont understand or needs more information. In the manual it says"The Flash memory is programmed 72 bits at a time (64 bits + 8 bits ECC)."I somewhat know about ECC, but i dont know about the "8 bits". Can i just ignore this? Progra...

Tobe by Senior III
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Resolved! How to do ADC -> DMA in double buffer mode configuration

Hi All,I am trying to implement a code on STM32H723 Nucleo-144 where the ADC uses DMA configured in double buffer mode. I cant find any examples on how to do it. I have tried to analyze the ADC to DMA in circular mode code, but I struggle to convert ...

elso by Senior
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Resolved! STM32f103c8t6 how to comfigure TIM3 for a period of 5ms

Hi community,I am trying to port a project from old library maple leaf or older built for Arduino to to STM32cubeIDEthis function I couldn't find any ref to it, my guess it that is sets the period to 5ms Timer3.setPeriod(1000 / 200); browsing some th...

Keita by Associate II
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Resolved! How to I disable the USB on the STM32L4

Hi I am using the USB CDC on a STM32L433 with the command MX_USB_DEVICE_Init(); to communicate through the USB. In my app, I go into standby mode (by using the HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode()) command. How do I disable the USB before entering standby?  I ...

Resolved! STM32F411E-DISCO and MCP2515 INTERRUPT

Hello, by connecting an mcp2515 to Stm32, I enabled it to communicate properly with other cards via the Can network. However, when a message arrives, I couldn't understand how to receive it with the INT pin and I couldn't do it. I tried connecting th...

sheqom by Associate III
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