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hi i would like to use uart1_printf_debug debugging on a serial terminal but error message "undefine reference to "uart1_printf_debug" what file to include except stdio.h? 

nucleo-f103rb canbus problem

Hello,I have a problem with canbus on nucleo-f103rb. When I start the debug the registers look like before.png. After a while its look like after.png. But i cannot send any data to peak pcan in both cases. Here my code;/* USER CODE BEGIN Header *//**...

Difficulty with speed of updating PWM duty cycle

Hi, I'm a relatively new programmer, attempting to program a "Bluepill" module, which has the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller. I'd like to be able to quickly change the duty cycle on a PWM output, so that I can adjust the position of a servo motor as I...

Resolved! KEIL uVision5 is closed suddenly

I have Nucelo-F492 and I used STM32Cube on 2022 successfully without any problem. This was very easy. I am attending now a training course in "RTOS by using Keil uVision", But every time I use Keil to erase or download programs in my Nucleo, Keil uVi...

Hasan by Associate II
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Resolved! Building Example for Nucleo-429ZI

Hi, I am new in STM32 MCU. I have bought Nucleo F429ZI, I downloaded and installed STM32CubeIDE. I have selected a new project, then I selected some examples for Nucleo-F429ZI. The name of the project is GPIO-IOToggle. I made a build without making a...

Hasan by Associate II
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Help with i2c slave device

Hi, I want to implement an I2C slave with a STM32L476 micro that basically behaves like a memory. Therefore it must respond to another micro which executes the HAL_I2C_Mem_Write() and HAL_I2C_Mem_Read() operations to this slave.Searching on the inter...

FMass.1 by Associate III
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