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stm32f103rct6 iwdg cann't be initialed success

I want to use IWDG with stm32f103rct6 chip with ll library. such samples code as below:```static int iwdg_init (unsigned short int expired_ms){/* 开启 LSI, IWDG */ __HAL_RCC_LSI_ENABLE(); LL_RCC_LSI_Enable(); while (!LL_RCC_LSI_IsReady()); LL_IWDG_Enab...

Resolved! Problem with STM32411 Chip

HI there,  I have rewitten this simple piece of code from scratch multiple times with no success. I am just attempting to turn on a set of LEDs.  First in the While Loop. Second in the interupt handler for TIM2.  The chip is a STM32F411CCU in a homes...

SpeedyPLH by Associate II
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Resolved! One bit shift in SPI communication on STM32G4

Hi,I am working on SPI communication between STM32G491 and ATM90E26. and I am using the SPI polling API with HAL_SPI_Transmit and HAL_SPI_Receive.My System clock is 96Mhz and I am using prescaler of 64 for SPI.CLKPolarity=Low,CLKPhase=1Edge.Communica...

ESD protection GPIOs pins

I need to assign  8 GPIOs (4 I/p + 4 o/p) for membrane keypad pushbutton circuit. I am worried about ESD protection of GPIOs. Please suggest  STM parts for ESD protection best suited for use purpose.Kindly let know if I can select any  pins or there ...

Nico3 by Senior
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