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Summary: I'm seeing a situation where the CAN frames are repeating when they should only be sent once.  However, the receiving device is receiving them just fine.  Details:I'm running an STM32U545 on it's Nucleo Board, and using a simple CAN transcei...
I made a little proof-of-concept board for the L431, as I wanted to see what it would take to do a BGA design. I've been able to program is using the STM32CubeIDE, but the board won't boot reliably.STM32CubeIDE v1.13.1Jlink Plus Compact0.1uF Bypass c...
I'm using an STM32U575 chip with a couple of it's peripherals. I'm trying to get the ADC1 working. It's currently sampling a few pins, but when I read the data, it seems to always be 4095 (max value). Looking into it further, the VREF+ pin is sitting...
TL;DR. What are the limiting factors for incoming clock speed for an SPI peripheral operating in slave mode?I'm using the STM32U575 MCU with a few peripherals, and am clocking it down to 16MHz for SYSCLK and all related peripherals.  I'm generating a...
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