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Forum Posts

Resolved! RAMECC1 register reset value

Hi,MCU -stm32h743I have noticed that some RAMECC1 registers have a non-zero value on reset which is against the information given in the datasheet. For example, see the snapshot below:This is when the control is at the starting of main(). As per tabl...

Daan1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Undocumented behaviour STM32C011F4U6TR

Hi,We notice the startup time from power up can be affected by setting one GPIOB pin to input. The startup time here refers to the time from SystemInit() until main(). Basically it contains scatterload and __rt_entry to my understanding.Specifically,...

powerup_time_without_gpiob_input.png 2nd_iwdg_reset_without_gpio.png powerup_time_with_gpiob_input.png
ah2 by Associate III
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STM32F415 DMA SPI transfer after stop mode

I am using SPI2 and SPI3 with DMA1 to write and read to/from peripheral chips. This works fine most of the time. At the same time I am using the stop mode to save power. Now in some cases just after leaving the stop mode, the next DMA transfer does n...

rkoehli by Associate II
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Resolved! Does STM32H743 have integrated crystal load capacitors?

I notice that on the NUCLEO-H753ZI board schematic and BOM, the load capacitors are not populated for X2. My thought is that these caps must exist elsewhere, either built into the crystal, or integrated into the STM32H743.. But I do not see any menti...

BobaJFET by Associate II
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Resolved! Unable to modify RAM using ST-LINK_CLI.exe

I'm working with the STM32F407G-DISC1 development board. I would like to change the contents of RAM and hence I type ST-LINK_CLI.exe -w8 0x20000000 0xAB:ST-LINK_CLI.exe -w8 0x20000000 0xAB STM32 ST-LINK CLI v3.6.0.0 STM32 ST-LINK Command Line Interfa...

arnold_w by Senior II
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stm32f465vit PA14 swclk pin always reset state.

Dear sir, madami use my new stm32f465vit with my custom Board swclk pin always reset state.PA14 swclk pin always reset state 0v, after i connect 10k resistor swclk and PA13 swdio pin to 3.3v. make it pullup also same PA14 is 0v (VCC)so, I can’t conne...