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Forum Posts

Debugger's "Step Over" acts incorrectly

Hi,I am just starting to learn the STMCubeIDE debugger's capabilities. I have tested all the essential functions of the debugger on a led blink project, and after everything worked fine I moved on to an I2C code that actually requires some debugging....

Vilius by Associate III
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Resolved! Driver STSW-link009 2.0.2 download problem

Hello, I can't download the usb driver STSW-link009 2.0.2 on the " -> development tools" I click on "Get latest", I read the licence agreement and click to "Accept"."Get ...

Izitop by Associate II
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Resolved! Timer output influenced by other timer

Hi everybody,I have TIM15, configured to PWM generation, in one shot configuration, using OC1N output. The output is set to 0 and timer disabled.. When I later initialize TIM1, the output of TIM15 goes high at the instant the Update event is generate...

Resolved! M95P32 EEPROM using QSPI interface on Nucleo-L496ZGP

Board added to title; STM32L4 Label added.I started Working With M95P32 EEPROM which Supports QSPI . This is my code which is not working I don't understand why there is no error in transmit and receive code. But same EEPROM working with SPI.   void ...

Resolved! STM32F207ZG and STM32F407ZG compatibility

Hello everyone,I am currently using the STM32F207ZG in my project, but I am considering replacing it with STM32F407ZG due to speed.After reviewing the two MCUs, I found that the cores and memories of the two MCUs are different, but the peripherals ar...

rndkd1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to set the clock source for TIM3

How to set the clock source for TIM3 We are trying to use TIM3. We also want to use an external CLK as the clock source for TIM3, but we don't know how to set it. .ioc file - Where should I change the TIM3 clock source settings?