STM32f769I- discovery board interface with mcp9600 using I2C
hello everyone, i am using STM32f769I- discovery board i want to interface mcp9600 temperature sensor using I2C, can i get any example code .It will be very useful thank you
hello everyone, i am using STM32f769I- discovery board i want to interface mcp9600 temperature sensor using I2C, can i get any example code .It will be very useful thank you
I am working on a Nucleo-H753ZI board looking at RAMECC.My code is based on the example at am using debug to watch the status of ...
Hello everyone,I will put the device on standby as part of my project. I set the GPIO Pin as SysWakeup1 pin. Can I reconfigure the pin that I configured as SysWakeup1 in the main.c file as external interrupt or gpio input? We can dynamically set GPIO...
The generated RTX code needs some help to compile. Is RTX5 support not ready for prime time?
Hi, I want to create a timer with retriggerable pulse of specified length. Now I know timer can do it, but there is an issue with one pulse retriggerable mode that needs to be from outside trigger otherwise it dont work. My application is specific an...
AN4861, Application note, LCD-TFT display controller (LTDC) on STM32 MCUs
I am using STM32L412KBU and read in different ADC channels.Now I see that the first read returns 23451, the second read immediately after returns 20338.I use x16 OVS, hence the big numbers.After the second read, values seem to become stable.external ...
Hi, I am planning to use stm32g030f6 and also use RTC peripheral with super cap to keep date. However, this IC does not have VBAT pin. Reading datasheet said, that RTC domain can also be supplied from VDD/VDDA pin, but this means that when a voltage ...
Hi,I am trying to make the ADC + DMA work a STM32G431CBT6 using STM32CubeIDE and the HAL library. I am used to making it work on other families like the STM32f103 etc.. However, here, when I program the processor using the debug mode and watch the co...
Hi all, What is the correct flow to use HAL_UART_Receive_IT() to receive uart data?The first package is lost first its first char,Here is the flow used now, From the gif, you can see "H" is missing for 1st package, and all normal for others.The probl...