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Forum Posts

Resolved! G484 Uart transmit 0x00 not sent/received

Hello, trying to send array below. The '0x00' part is not received in terminal, see image below.   char binary_data[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0xAB, 0x00, 0xCD}; HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart5, binary_data, sizeof(binary_data), HAL_MAX_DELAY); How can I get this t...


Resolved! How to run a program in sdram on STM32H743 ?

Hello guys, recently I designed a PCB board using STM32H743IIT6 and I encounter a problem when I try to run code in sdram. The details are described as below.​question: I have a demand jumping to run a user program(function) in the sdram. B...

Bornason by Associate II
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Resolved! SWD interface Connector Selection for MCU Bootload

Hi!I have a custom STM32H753ZIT6 MCU based board for which I am using SWD in order to bootload/program the MCU. To interface the SWD to either the STLINK or other programming modules similar to it, does anyone have any recommendation on what connect ...

hvs_learn by Associate III
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