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Forum Posts

HOW to use ART Accelerator in STM32F7xx

Hello,We are trying to make use of the ART accelerator of the STM32F7.As a start we placed only a single part of code in the adress range of 0x00200000.And we enabled the ART accelerator in CubeMx as well as code prefetch.However when we start the co...

andywild2 by Associate III
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Resolved! No HSE output using MCO1

Hello,I am trying to output the HSE to a GPIO PA8.I want to do it from scratch and have added this code to the HID example from ST. RCC->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOAEN; // Enable GPIOA clock GPIOA->MODER &= ~GPIO_MODER_MODE8; // Clear the...

Resolved! STM32L051C8T6 not executing the code properly

I developed a basic code in STM32CubeIDE to test an STM32L051C8T6 microcontroller, aiming to toggle the state of two LEDs connected to the custom-designed board for this chip. However, during debugging, an issue occurs with the execution flow.After i...

Resolved! USB PD Part selection

Hello, I'm working with the STM32U575VGT6 as my primary MCU and need a USB-C DRP PD IC. I'm considering the TCPP03-M20 or STUSB1600AQTR. My question is, when the PD operates in sink mode (during charging), we intend to turn off all power supplies, in...

Resolved! STM32U575 Temperature Sensor ADC4 calculation

Hi,Currently I am trying to measure MCU junction temperature on the STM32U575 via ADC4 TEMPSENSOR channel (CH13). Upon reading the datasheet and reference manual of the chip, I have some questions regarding this implementation.According to both the d...

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phuocly by Associate II
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