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Hello, ST experts It seems that OTG_USB_DP pin had some problems when this pin is forced to be set to GPIO when connected to USB host. The resistance between this pin and GND is serveral mega Ohm before OTG_USB_DP is forced to be a GPIO. And then it ...
Hello, ST experts For some reason, PA12 of STM32U595VGT6 is set to GPIO at start up. But I can not find how to set PA12 to USB_DP again in any alternate function of AF1 to AF15. BRYang
Hello, ST experts STM32U595VJT6 is used on the design. The OTG part of MCU works well on USB device mode. And it functions as USB flash disk.  But when I check the logical level from OTG device status register(address offset is 0x808), there is somet...
Hello, ST expert STM32F407 is used for our custom design. And htim2 play the role of precise timing base.When htim2->Instance.CNT = xx  is used for setting a new counter start value for timer2, it seems that the new counter value does not functions i...
Hello, ST expertE.g. GPIO PD4 functions as falling edge interrupt pin on STM32F407. Before the falling edge this interrupt is disabled by HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(EXTI4_IRQn).  What happened if HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI4_IRQn) is executed after the falling ...