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Forum Posts

More than one DSMPS on one MCU

I have developed a custom controller that uses the STM32G474RE to regulate the output voltage of two power supplies.I am now developing the code to implement a peak-current mode controller for each of the two power supplies.  Is there a way that I ca...

Resolved! ADC error

I have connected 100k NTC  with 100K PU resistance. ADC is measuring voltage on NTC is 1580 mV. While multimeter shows 1410 mV. 1410mV is correct number as it gives 32 degC  temperature.I am using ADC in polling mode. I added HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_St...

Nico3 by Senior
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two independent CAN

HI,I'm working with a micro from the H7 family (H723).I have to implement CAN communication on two distinct peripherals (FDCAN1 and FDCAN2) in interrupt mode but the system doesn't work.Below are the settings I use in my project: void MX_FDCAN2_Init(...

UVagl.1 by Associate II
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Hii everyone!We are working on CAN , and MCU is stm32f103When we are taking output on blue-pill Tx and Rx pin Data is comingBut when are are doing same on custom board data is not showing ,we are uploading same firmware and clock configuration is als...

Resolved! STM32L152 - random EEPROM deletion at low voltage?

Dear,we use EEPROM in our project with STM32L152. It seems like in some MCUs is erased random part of the Eeprom. It happens very rarely, and probably most likely when VCC is disconnected from PCB (MCU). Any solution, any similar experience?Best rega...

JJRR by Senior
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Resolved! MCU hung after staying idle for hours

In our system with SMT32G041F6P6 powered by a battery, device gets to hung state when kept idle for few hours or days (randomly). We have already implemented a window  watchdog to detect any faults. Even with watchdog enabled, we are getting this han...