How to open the STSW-IO-LINK evaluation firmware in the STM32CubeMX development platform? STSW-IO-Link is downloaded and extracted. The *.ioc file seems to be missing in the STSW-IO-LINK firmware package!
How to open the STSW-IO-LINK evaluation firmware in the STM32CubeMX development platform? STSW-IO-Link is downloaded and extracted. The *.ioc file seems to be missing in the STSW-IO-LINK firmware package!
Hello,I am reading AN2606 and I am wondering if I am interpreting the document correctly. Is table 113 suggesting that the FDCAN bootloader is only available on pins PH13 & PH14 in the STM32H75 series? Since these pins do not exist on the 100 pin pac...
On Cubex Generated code, we added Virtual Com Port code.But the code is going to Hard fault handler in USB_ActivateEndpoint. HAL_StatusTypeDef USB_ActivateEndpoint(USB_DRD_TypeDef *USBx, USB_DRD_EPTypeDef *ep){HAL_StatusTypeDef ret = HAL_OK;uint32_t...
There is this errata for STM32G0B12.2.10 Prefetch failure when branching across flash memory banksDescriptionIn rare cases, the code prefetch may fail upon branching and function calls across flash memory banks,regardless of the DUAL_BANK and nSWAP_B...
Hi Team,I am currently working with the STM32G0B1CET6 microcontroller and using two Abracon crystal parts, ABL-8.000MHZ-B2 and AB38T-32.768KHZ-B. However, I am encountering issues with the crystal when I use heavy ( like code more than 50% ram & flas...
Question seems simple enough, but i cant find any information on this in the datasheet or refman:When i put the mcu in stop-mode using the hal driver, i call this function:HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI);The first param...
When booting up STM32Cube for the first time I get the error "A 'stm32Cube Updater' (or another 'STM32CubeMX') software is downloading to the repository folder Please wait for the download to complete and retry" However, no software is open/ download...
I think i correctly setted up the slave adress on 0x70 with the configuration window.Below my script on the Raspberry Pi. #include "main.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdio.h" I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1; UART_HandleTypeDef huart2; void Sy...
Hello,I wonder if my STM32H7BI3-DK has a wi-fi module? It looks empty on the circuit board?On pictures of the board I could find on internet, there's supposed to be green card: How can I add a wi-fi module to my STM32H7BI3-DK?
Controller: STM32G431VBT6Libraries: CMSISCompiler: arm-none-eabi-gcc version 13.2.1Code Optimization: OPT = -OsAfter code optimization MCU hangs, depending on code constellation. It hangs in ADC initialization. ... system_clock_init(); timer_init(); ...