You don't initialize sFilterConfig to zero, so sFilterConfig.FilterMaskIdLow could be a random number upon POR.
You don't initialize sFilterConfig to zero, so sFilterConfig.FilterMaskIdLow could be a random number upon POR.
I am using a Nucleo-F429ZI with FreeRtos and LWIP. I am having an issue with LWIP when I start with a disconnected Ethernet Cable and then when I connect it back when the firmware is running.I have a thread with the following code. 1 - The gnetif str...
Hello! I am experimenting with a STM32F030F4P6. When I connect it to STM32CubeProgrammer via bootoader (UART), there is an info saying the micro has 32Kb of flash, instead of the expected 16Kb for this part.Is it possible that this microcontroller re...
Hi Comunity, I am very new to STM and got some problems on serial UART. I can get data from my serial, but my problem is if the data received is less than the length of the array, the next data received doesn't overwrite the first data. How do I fix ...
Hello all, I've recently received a dev board for STM32G030F6 microcontroller and I wanted to make a simple USART test before continuing. I've started the project using STM32 CUBE MX initializing serial port and clock, also, I've retargeted printf as...
Fault handlers that work on M4 and M7's aren't being executed on an M33. The Usage Fault I'm creating (via an undefined instruction) appears to be escalated to a Hard Fault. The Core stops executing instructions before ever reaching a handler. Is ...
Folks,I have setup the ADC to operate in scan mode, there are two analog channels to be converted. The CPU is running at 64 MHz and the ADC is running at 32 MHz. I am using the void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc) to start processin...
Hi Everyone,I'm trying to port LwIP to STM32H573I-DK and has referenced to:1. GitHub - STMicroelectronics/stm32h5-classic-coremw-apps at v1.0.0 2. GitHub - stm32-hotspot/STM32H7-LwIP-Examples: Ethernet examples using LwIP + FreeRTOS for STM32H7 Disco...
Dear STM32 team,I am a bit confused about the OCTALSPI device (using it as QuadSPI):Why is it not possible (not supported) to use OCTALSPI also as a regular SPI?Datasheet states that "Single-SPI" is possible - but it means actually: "Single-Lane-SPI"...
This question is about SPI simplex communication.Is there any sample code that realizes SPI simplex communication only by register operations?Also, is there any sample code that uses HAL or LL?I would like to know both cases of sending and receiving....