Hi, the charging logic is implemented based on ADC values and I've designed the logic to capture the peak value from the PWM waveform using an oscilloscope. The main logic works fine during the first charging cycle, but when I try to charge for the s...
I am developing a product using the STM32F412REFxLQFP64 chip, and I want to implement multi-PWM control. For TIM2 buzzer control: TIM_HandleTypeDef TIM2 PB10 ------> TIM2_CH3 TIM3 is used to generate a 1kHz waveform: TIM_HandleTypeDef TIM3 Channel 4 ...
I have a question regarding ST25R3911B resource optimization.https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/um2890-rfnfc-abstraction-layer-rfal-stmicroelectronics.pdfAdditionally, I have read the RFAL user manual mentioned below, and in the FEATURES CONF...
Thank youhtim2.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_DISABLE;htim2.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_ENABLE;I changed this source for activation and it works normally.
We set a break point and analyzed the case closely.When it's normalTIM_HandleTypeDefTIM_TypeDef *Instance; inCNT; /*!< TIM counter register,The value is within the normal range, but when there is no sound, there is a large value as shown below.If we ...