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Forum Posts

G431 - SPI brings big noise on the MISO

I have tried normal GPIO setting with pullup/down and setting AF5, but it just stays the same level, but its shape changes (see additional pictures).I have just connected the probes. (MISO is blue)    // *** SPI *** // NSS (PB12) GPIO_InitStruc...

big noise.jpg
Tobe by Senior III
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Resolved! Flash Memory access when >512k

Hi to everybody.I'm struggling to figure out this issue: I got a "NMI_Handler" error...uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)0x08080000UL; uint32_t val = *p; //here jump to NMI_HandlerIf I put the addr to 0x08070000UL (e.g.) no probelm.I'm using a STM32H562RGTX ...

TheRaprus by Associate III
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Resolved! Random hardfault on STM32F4

Hello,I have been struggling to make this post because I wanted to post a very clear question after I had found the source of the problem. However, I have been working on this problem nightly for two weeks now and even still I can't pinpoint precisel...

Resolved! G431 SPI - bits are not set.

First time i set up SPI, not using HAL.In the debug, i see that not a single bit is set.What am i doing wrong?  SPI_HandleTypeDef spiHandle; spiHandle.Instance = SPI2; // SPI_CR1_CPOL SET_BIT(spiHandle.Instance->CR1, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_256...

Tobe by Senior III
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NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig() Undefined

Posted on February 26, 2016 at 03:02The processor is an STM32F373VC using STM32CubeMX generated code with the FREERTOS option enabled. I have attempted to add the code: NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig( NVIC_PRIORITYGROUP_4 ); to the code in main.c as instr...

spflanze by Associate II
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STM32F411RE6: Analog input on PB5 and PB6 is always 0

Hi, I'm working with a STM32F411RE6 on a pcb and i've noticed that trying to read an input from PB5 and PB6  just returns 0. I've tried fiddling with the registers eg. setting them to analog input mode, pullup, pulldown and left floating but none of ...

Screenshot from 2024-03-30 09-31-46.png
Vandi by Associate
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Generate PWM output based on input capture

Hi, I am trying to sense a signal through TIM1 channel 1 by configuring as Input capture and Measure the signal frequency and Pulse width. Now I want to generate a signal with a phase delay after the falling edge of the input capture pulse. It should...

VGani.1 by Associate III
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