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Forum Posts

Resolved! How can I use multiple USB device classes with STM32L4

Hello together,does anyone know how I can implement multiple USB device classes on a STM32?I want to use the CDC so a VCP and the DFU class so I can communicate with my chip and drive an update if needed. I am working with a STM32L452RE.It must be po...

EniRot99 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32U5xx: thank you for a really "cool" MCU

Dear STM32 team,I want to thank you, honestly, for a really great MCU chip. Well done.(just as my friendly feedback to you and company)When I say, the STM32U5xx is a really "cool" MCU - I mean two things:It is really cool, in terms of temperature:I a...

tjaekel by Lead
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L4 CRC and U5 CRC diff

Hi, I have both stm32u5 and stm32l469. I found that there are some differences in the CRC caculation.On stm32l469:if i configure the parameter as following, function hardware_crc32_calculate_with_seed works fine, no matter the code in line 185,186,19...

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DMA performance gain on SDIO

I am using STM32CUBE ide and my project has SD card access via SDIO peripheral.I am using FatFS middleware. To use FreeRTOS I enabled DMA and system works fine.After enabling the DMA I wanted to see how much read/write performance the system gained.I...

ASay.1 by Associate II
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PLL is enabled on power on?

I'm trying to migrate my code away from Platformio, which I've previously been using, to cmake (currently using it with clion and openocd).I've got everything working but when I run my code I run in to one problem.For some reason the PLL is enabled a...

Dvan .8 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F405RGT6 custom board not working

Hi guys, this is my first post here on the forum. I'm starting my learning in STM and I created a custom board with a STM32F405RGT6, I followed a basic MCU operation schematic that I found in a video on Youtube, but the MCU is not starting. I did sev...

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