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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F072RBT6 USB Host Device

Hi,I'm using stm32f072rbt6 mcu for my project.And I want to write data to my usb flash drive as a txt file.I have researched some tutorials but to do this usually used mcu's such as stm32f767zit6 and these mcu's have USB_OTG_FS feature which my mcu d...

How to find DMA channel for Timer

We are working on STM32C071KBU6 In STM example TIM_DMA, I see it uses PA10 - TIM1_CH3 with DMA channel 5, but I could not find anything about this. Anyone know how to find this information? I would like to use different pins but don't know what DMA c...

Dat Tran by Senior II
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Resolved! PA2 pin goes low on power up for no reason.

Hello to everyonesIn a project where I used the STM32G0B1RTC6 MCU I have the following problem:The PA2 pin used as uart2 TX sometimes goes low at power on and stays there forevereven if I try to reset the CPU again. If it is configured regularly then...

10-Bit DVP (DCMI) input to DVI/HDMI output

Hi,Our team is working on a board that should provide the ability to stream a video from OmniVisions' OV6946 tiny CMOS camera module to a monitor with DVI port are planning to use OV426 as a convertor into a parra...

jjjj by Associate
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Strange ADC issue in STM32G491

Hi,I have a very strange ADC issue which I am unable to find the root cause to. The symptom is as follows;While performing ADC readings to ADC1 IN1 and ADC2 IN1 consecutively, the readings sometimes differ by more than 32 ADC counts. I perform this c...

macbum by Associate II
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