RM0394 REV5 error
The link on the bottom of page 158 is bad.There is no SBF flag in PWR_CR3, actually it is in PWR_SR1.
The link on the bottom of page 158 is bad.There is no SBF flag in PWR_CR3, actually it is in PWR_SR1.
I have made a PCB with the STM32C011F6P6 on it and am trying to program it via an ST-LinkV2. While trying it out yesterday, it connected just fine with the cube programmer. Now I am trying to do the same thing again, but both the cube programmer and ...
The Reference Manual for STM32U0 series MCUs, RM0503 Rev2, specifies, in table 2 on page 57, that SRAM starts at 0x2000 0000 and ends at 0x2002 9FFF. This is a contiguous region with a size of 168KB. However, the Size column shows 40KB. This docum...
I downloaded the STM32H753 SVD file from https://www.st.com/resource/en/svd/stm32h7-svd.zipI have found a number of discrepancies between this file and RM0433 (reference manual)That leaves me wondering if this file is outdated and a more recent, cor...
I am trying to create a custom keyboard, and I was trying to flash my board with stm32f070c6t6 MCU in DFU mode using cube programmer, but I keep getting "no DFU detected" (of course while pulling BOOT0 pin high).Also, every time I plug my device into...
Hello,I am using the internal pull up for the input pins, but when read the port status using the program, it always reads 0 instead of 1. I expected it to read 1 and if make that pin grounded it shall read 0.
Hello all, I made my first "from scratch" STM32 board (in the past I always used demo boards). I cabled JTAG connector : I was able to flash and debug from CubeIDE in SWD mode with a Stlinkv2, but did not succeed in JTAG mode, don't know why but ...
Hello, I am using STM32F469BIT with W9812G6KH-6I TR SDRAM and no matter what I did, I could not write to or read from SDRAM since MCU goes into hardfault whenever i want to access SDRAM. I configured FMC according to this article. I am running SDRAM ...
I have set up a UART as receiver. I use circular buffer to copy the data in. The code pretty much works ok with one exception:If the last byte of incoming data frame is to be saved in index 0 (UARTRx[0]), the data appears at this address AFTER the bu...
usart1 connectedHercules setup utility Issue with Sending Bootloader Command on STM32According to AN3155, the 0x7F command should initialize the USART. I have ensured that I am in bootloader mode and have made the following connections:Connect th...