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Forum Posts

Stm32CubeClt static Download Link

Hello,can you offer a static download link to download the CommandLineTools (Stm32CubeClt) without a Login Wall?I would like to use it to build my project in a docker container in my CI CD processGreats Peter

PPete by Associate III
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STM32f407 boot mode

Hi I am using STM32F407 DISCOVERY BOARD and I am able to make the board change to boot mode using a another controller.After boot mode change over I need to program the memory of STM32F407 DISCOVERY BOARD by UART communication.Here I am unable to get...

AKHIL6 by Associate II
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STM32H523 QUADSPI W25Q64 External Loader

Hi, I'm trying to do an external loader according ST's MOOC and this forum code pass on all ST's tests of memory, but when I generate a stldr it does not read on c...

MMira.4 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to debug a hard fault exception for STM32?

I am currently using stm32f407 with FreeRTOS as operating system in MDK IDE. Recently, When I added a new function ( The new function is ospf routing algorithm, and it is very complex and involves many files ) to my project, I began to encounter hard...

yanhc by Associate III
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Resolved! Bootloader startup time on STM32L4R

This is mostly a post to help people who try to google this later since I couldn't find anything. If you look at AN2606 table 197, it lists the minimum startup time for the bootloader on a bunch of different STM32 microcontrollers. For some reason, j...

Resolved! STM32L47 Bootloader v9.x SPI bug

Recently, I have been working on a project that intends to utilize the v9.x bootloader on an STM32L471VGT6 through the SPI 2 port. When utilizing the write memory command, I would find that the STM32L4 would occasionally have 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF writt...

chaup by Associate II
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Resolved! Using SPI on STM32H7 in mixed mode, normal and DMA.

I am working on a STM32H723 microcontroller and I am trying to use and SPI communication in mixed mode, i.e. normal and DMA.The reason I need this is because I have a third party software stack for a device that is set up in a certain way, and it cyc...

ioncasu by Associate II
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How to utilize 4.2MB RAM in STM32N6

Hi,I am using STM32N6570-DK kit. In my application I need ~3.5MB of RAM but if I allocate more than 256KB of RAM I get the error "region `RAM' overflowed by xxxx bytes".  I got the same results as well when I imported "UART_HyperTerminal_IT" example ...

Jayesh2 by Associate II
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