Can any one confirm that STM32G030k8 MCUs can be implemented for DALI-2 lighting.Is the memory works.
Can any one confirm that STM32G030k8 MCUs can be implemented for DALI-2 lighting.Is the memory works.
Hello, I'm trying to use the stm32u5 585 and I'm having a bad time trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. I am getting about 1.2mA in stop mode 2 when I should be getting around 8.95+ uA.I've disabled all SRAM and everything else in the PWR sect...
I'm looking to know what is the best ST microcontroller that works best for ultra low temprature -80c and liquid nitrogen ?I understand that full functionality is not guaranteed as per the specs. Note: external oscilator will be used as HSE that will...
I'm getting Hard Fault Exception at -40c while using STM32F0412VET. Any idea how to avoid such exception ? setting certain registers or disabling certain peripherals?As well is there sample implementation to return to previous context before the exce...
I am searching for a way to establish a ethernet connection on STM32 B-U585I-IOT02A Discovery board, for communicating with MQTT brocker. I am using Visual Studio Code, with Platformio (Arduino FrameWork).Do you have any suggestions / working example...
Hi all, recently I made a board with H725RGV6, but when I tried to flash a test firmware for the first time, I got " Error: No STM32 target found! If your product embeds Debug Authentication, please perform a discovery using Debug Authentication" fro...
Hi,I am using the STM32F411 MCU and i am trying to generate PWM signal with fixed dutycycle and frequency.clock configuration and timer settings is attached below.When I set the PWM frequency to 10KHz and the duty cycle to 50%, I get the output as 10...
Hello everybody again. I shared a similar post a while ago, but I couldn't express it well and couldn't find a solution. Aim of the program is handling rotary encoder data, which is a 5-digit integer number. Encoder setup is done. I want to take this...
Hello ST, I am trying to integrate ThreadX into TFM_Appli-NonSecure project. Mostly I am able to integrate it and execute but to make a thread run, I have to comment _tx_initialize_low_level(); API in _tx_initialize_kernel_enter() function.This all w...
Hello everyone,I’m working with an STM32 G0 microcontroller and encountering an issue with reading data from two sensors. One of the sensors provides consistent and accurate readings, however, the second sensor shows intermittent spikes to zero in th...