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Resolved! HAL_StatusTypeDef function

Hi, i come across a H7 code that use HAL_StatusTypeDef , could anyone kindly advise what does the HAL_StatusTypeDef do, whats HAL_OK means? what does ret != HAL_OK mean? and what does return HAL_OK means?HAL_StatusTypeDef spi_write(reg, *pData){  HAL...

Resolved! NMI Fault While Debugging (STM32G474 nucleo board)

Hello,I keep getting an NMI fault when I attempt to read a variable with gdb (either with a mouseover on a variable in STM32CubeIDE or the print [var] command in gdb). I'm not seeing anything useful when I view the microprocessor registers after the ...

toofer25 by Associate
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Getting inaccurate value of ADC of STM32F030R8T6

Hello,I am working on STM32F030R8T6 with HAL.We are trying to read ADC values from the 4 ADC channels and 5th channel as VREFINT.The ADC is configured in continuous DMA read by using:HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc, (uint32_t *)ADC_Buffer, 5);Our AVDD = 3.3 ...

Resolved! DMA request generation on STM32H7

Hi!I am looking into the possibility on using LPTIM1 to trigger a DMA transfer with no CPU interrupt. This timer is chosen because it can be clocked directly by the HSE clock input. In the datasheet of STM32H7B3 (DS13139 - Rev 8) table 4, it states t...

HansPLJ by Associate III
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Resolved! NUCLEO HSE from ST-LINK MCO is never ready

Newbie here!Setup:STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1Brand new NUCLEO-L476RG with MCO from ST_LINK MCU, no mods to the boardNew STM32 project using CubeMX 6.6.1, default mode for peripherals usedSystem Core -> RCC -> HSE = BYPASS Clock SourceClock configuration show...

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gb2835 by Associate II
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STM32l4 + tinyusb + msc + sdmmc

Hi! I'm currently trying to mount my sdcard via MSC/SDMMC and tinyUSB. It worked fine with RAM, could read and write, but I probably do the commands wrong for SD Card. Mounting with FatFS works fine, but I cannot get it to display any device on my dr...

NW.2 by Associate II
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DCMI and DMA to save multiple images on RAM

I'm currently evaluating the STM32U5 series to connect to a camera via DCMI and store video (i.e., multiple frames/images). For now, I would like to keep things simple and also learn how the DCMI and DMA workflow is like. So, I'll keep this forum pos...