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Forum Posts

Can't exit sleep mode

Hello.Using "ITEMIS Create" I've designed this simple statechart diagram to figure out the working principles of sleep mode. The diagram is shown below:The program should work like this: Device boots up, starts a timer, that has a period of 2 seconds...



Hi there, I want to setup the NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q to run just the microcontroller alongside a VL53L4CX ToF Sensor, I am currently having troubles, can anyone help? I am having troubles configuring the controller and printing values as UART is not configu...

What's a good way to waste a clock cycle in STM32F4?

In the thread I learned that "DSB" is a good way to waste a clock cycle in STM32F769. Now, what's a good way ...

arnold_w by Senior II
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HX711 Load cell with STM32 Doubt.

Hi,I'm trying to interface the HX711 load cell with an STM32 MCU. The resultant values are varying by a huge margin after every interval so please help. I'm, uploading my codeSo PA6 - GPIO Input - DOUT pinPB9 - GPIO Output - Pulldown - SCLK Pin#inclu...