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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32H5 I3C ENTDAA waveform

Hello! I have a H563ZI and a KEYSIGHT oscilloscope.I configured H563ZI as controller and sent an ENTDAA , then problem occired:        1.slave updated its dynamic address which as same as static address and different with what i set.         2.there ...

Xonier by Associate III
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interrupt are miss or not ?

Hello STM32 community,I am currently working on a project utilizing the STM32H757 microcontroller, which boasts 8 UART interfaces. In my application, I have configured all UARTs to operate in interrupt mode for receiving data.My concern arises when m...

Resolved! Running a function on ram

#define EEPROM_SEC __attribute__((long_call, section("EepromSection")))EEPROM_SECint add(int a, int b) {return a + b;}static __attribute__(( aligned(32))) uint32_t code_buf[20] = { 0 };// main(void) {HAL_Init();SystemClock_Config();MX_GPIO_Init...

Resolved! STMG01 Baremetal UART not Working

Hi, I wonder has anyone experience with baremetal USART implementation as I have attached a Source file for USART for a 'STM32G0B1RET' discovery board but it just sits there and doesn't transmit anything? See attached (usart.c). I have basically just...

PLee.3 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G030 bootloader issues

Hi,I try to bring the STM32G030 into the bootloader mode, but this isn't works.It works only when the option bytes are set to nBOOT_SEL = 1, nBOOT1 = 1 and nBOOT0 = 0.At that moment we can upload the FW, but when we reset the MCU he will not starts a...


STM32C031 is simulated in KEIL, but only a few breakpoints can be added during the running process, and the level is also level0.How to locate this kind of problem,Thank you very much for your help!

How to set clear on capture timer mode

    I am using STM32G030F6P6TR controller,using cube IDE software.I amusing input capture direct mode for TIMER3 channel 2,I have signal comingto the pin of this capture timer.I want to reset timer after capture has been triggered.Thedocument I am re...

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reipl by Associate
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