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Resolved! STM32 RTC3 Mixed Mode: Writing TR resets SSR?

RTC3 of some newer STM32s introduce a RTC mixed mode, where both binary part (32-bit down-counting sub-seconds register SSR) and classic BCD calender (TR/DT) mode are operational.In my case I am using this for classic style BCD alarms together with b...

Resolved! FDCAN Bootloader for STM32G0B

I did not find any solution of Bootloader for CAN2.0A or CAN2.0B with SMT32. Currently i am using below part no. MCU-'STM32G0B1CCT6' CAN IC-'ISO1044BD'

Pooja321 by Associate II
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CMSIS DSP CFFT incorrect frequency analysis

hi, I'm trying to do the FFT using the CMSIS DSP V1.15.0 libraries but I get a graph with random frequencies...I have a CM4 microcontroller(without FPU) I implement the below code and get random frequencies.I test the same code on a CM7 microcontroll...

Mavi by Associate II
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Resolved! WWDG early wake interrupt to prevent reset

Hi,I have a question regarding the possibilities and best practises of the early wake interrupt generated by the window watchdog.Is it possible to use the EWI to refresh the watchdog? And if so, is it actually a good idea and reliable?To describe the...

StefanR by Associate II
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Resolved! Flash STM using 1 USB - STM32H755

Hi there, I am working on a project using the STM32H755 zi that has 1 USBC port, can we use the same port for uploading the code, UART Communication and powering the device instead of using ST-LINK? Or is there any way to use ST-LINK for communicatio...

Resolved! STM32F4 Enabling and Disabling SPI using Timer or DMA

Hello, I'm using the STM32F469NiH6 to try and do a certain number of SPI transactions (let's say 12 bytes) at regular intervals without core intervention, using Timers and DMA. And I have a couple of questions concerning this (I have had a look into ...

ribdp by Associate II
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How to wake up STM32G070 on EXTI from stop1 mode?

I set up EXTI so I get interupt on the correct pin GPIO B.6. But I cannot get it to wake up from stop1 mode. I call WFI and RTC wakes upp the processor regularly but EXTI will not. Reading the reference manuel it says any interupt should wake the pro...

rickard2 by Associate III
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stm32cubeIDE can't create new project!

I already installed the latest stm32cubeIDE(version 1.15.0).when I was trying to create a new stm32 project, the error present as below:So I want to install install software package first, but the help->manage embedded software package is no response...

Junde by Senior III
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Running function stack trace

Hi,Master:Question:When the finished product cannot be debugged with jlink, I want to save and trace the function stack information through the firmware. When there are some accidental exceptions, I need to use the function stack to more delicately l...

Lyu.1 by Associate III
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