STM32 MCUs products

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New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


OTP readable by debugger while RDP set to 1

OTP portion of FLASH is a valuable asset in some STM32 families and represents a convenient place to store things like security keys. For this, it is desirable - and, as it's part of FLASH, also quite logically expected - that setting read-out protec...

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Resolved! Pristine STM32L431 PA6 turned to hard output

When switching on a new, unprogrammed STM32L431, PA6 turns hard to output high.This is SPI1 MOSI.AN2606 should say this out aloud.I know the 'G0 have this too, and AN2606 says this for them, although quite quietly and confusingly in a footnote.There ...

ADC Input protection

I will be using 16 channels of STM32 ADC and I would like to protect them against overvoltage and ESD (those will be used as device inputs and unwanted situations can happen), my initial thought was to use a Zenner diode array and current limiting re...

KPerg.1 by Associate II
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STM32H743 pwm interrupts with high frequency

Greetings!I generate periodically a 10MHz PWM signal of 8 pulses. The PWM signal has high polarity so the first edge is falling. I need to generate an interrupt/event on the rising edge that'll signal DMA to move data from a GPIO IDR to a data buffer...

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Pyry by Associate II
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Standby mode and wakeup issues using wakeup pin

Hi i am working with stm32l051c8t6 , i am using wakeup pin 1 to wakeup from standby mode, weather is that possible to make the wakeup pin should act as wakeup pin and also as external interrupt, it should wakeup when an external interrupt is detected...

volatile const

I need to declare a 'volatile const', meaning that the value is placed in FLASH and that it is re-read every time it is referenced (as the FLASH is written to elsewhere), but am finding it very difficult to accomplish this as the compiler either plac...

Ddu P by Associate III
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Resolved! I2C1 problem in STM32F401 with LSM6DSLTR

Hi,I have custom developed board that uses STM32F401RCT6TR as MCU. I have LSM6DSLTR IMU sensor on the board and MCU is communicating with IMU using I2C1 channel (PB6 and PB7). I also have 2.4" screen (ILI9341) that displays IMU values and external EE...

shydv15 by Associate II
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STM32F769I Disc:Is the function of stm32f769i dico's QSPI DDR normal?When I used the ddr mode, I could send data using 1line, but when I used 4line, the device was busy until the timeout error occurred, and the data could not be sent normally.However...

shanxing by Associate II
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