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STM32g070RB internal flash memory

I am currently working stm32  issue with internal flash memory is that it requires erasing an entire page before rewrite  data .if i modify specific address data that page it demands erase of entire page.It affect other data of that page . so give so...

vignesh1 by Associate III
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Unable to retrieve data from STM 32 board using pyserial

In this code, when I use the temp command, I always get output as "No response received." That means my python CLI is not receiving any data from the STM 32 board. But when I run the same command on the screen terminal on my mac, I get the data. What...

Xx11 by Associate
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Resolved! RTC isn't updating time in free running mode

Hi All, I am facing problem with RTC in STM32.i have written function in my code where i am updating display function for time every 1 min. But whenever i am trying to  see the updated time in free running mode i am unable to see that. But it works f...

Rushali by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32C011F4P6: transparent USART1 / USART2 transceiver

I'd like to use an STM32C011F4P6 as a transceiver between USARTs 1 and 2.As a first approach, I've set both USARTs to 9600bd, and I want anything that's incoming on one of them to be directly sent to the other. In both directions at the same time.In ...

polemon by Associate II
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Double Buffering 32-bit Audio (Aliasing problem)

Hi,I'm developing an audio device which will process incoming audio signals into a distorted output.Since there is a series of processes that will be executed, I thought it would be useful to use "double buffering" to process the collected audio, whi...

STM32F429IGT6 LTDC with RGB888 Settings

Hello, I use STM32F429IGT6 MCU I am trying to communicate with TI's DLPC through HW connection. To use this, use LTDC. SW uses the Standard Peripheral Library and Complier uses IAR. The HW GPIO settings were set using CubeIDE, and were set as follows...

Jdogk by Associate III
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Resolved! HAL_CAN_RxFifo1MsgPendingCallback has a problem.

HIIf the CAN message ID set to FIFO0 is received, HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback will be called correctly.but,HAL_CAN_RxFifo1MsgPendingCallback is not called even if the CAN message ID set in FIFO1 is received.The following is strange.step1Send CA...

Ukazu by Associate III
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Resolved! HAL_UART_Transmit_IT doesn't transmit

STM32F103Im using HAL_UART_Transmit_IT but doesnt work, if change to HAL_UART_Transmit all works fime but add delays to move in motors. Where are my error? i see all videos on youtb and cant find the problem.I have enabled the IT on MX the priority a...

woutnme by Associate II
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ethernet ping error

Hi !I use Lwip and FreeRtos Cmsis_v2, I set this config in cubemx, but in ping test ops!what is my mistake?!Thanks.1-sys config   2-ethernet  config3-freertos  4-lwip configphy drive:5- heap and stack6-module schematic7- pc ip4 set8- ping test in cmd...