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STM32F4 Using FileX : Can It Be Used Independently?

Hello, community! I'm a new here .I am developing STM32F4 using STM32CubeIDE(1.14.1), and I want to use the FileX without ThreadX.  However, it seems that this is not possible in CubeMX. The FileX for the F4 series requires ThreadX, and if ignored, t...

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cashews by Associate
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I2C multibus on alternative pins howto or is possible?

I ask for this , but any other same alternative use.i set primary I2C on PB10,11 as on image an reserve PA10,11 and PF0,1My plan is use alternative AF as I2C switch similar as IC PI4MSD5V9540On PF pins is device on 5V I2C . In code i try add to one I...

MM..1 by Chief III
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STM32F429ZIT6 SPI Receive Issue

Hi everyone,I'm currently using the Nucleo F429ZI development board to test SPI Receive, and I've encountered the following two issues:I use the HAL_SPI_Receive() function, when I config the SPI frequency to a slower rate, I've observed that the CS s...

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Scarlet by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G0 Reference Manual Typo (ADC-Oversampler)

RM0444 (Rev. 5 Nov 2020 - should be newest): Chapter 15.8 Oversampler: "N is defined using the OVFS[2:0] bits": this should say "OVSR[2:0]" bits. Chapter 15.12.3: Register ADC_CR Note for AD_EN: "set ADEN only when all bits of ADC_CR registers are 0"...

flyer31 by Senior
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Resolved! Setting up HSE on NUCLEO-H743ZI2 Development Board

Hello, I want to use the HSE of the NUCLEO-H743ZI2 development board. I tried to set it up according to the instructions in the user manual using MCO from STLINK-V3E.Here's my setup:However, when I checked STLinkUpgrade, I found that the HSE is set t...

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HMsDobby2 by Associate III
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