startup error
make: *** [Core/Startup/ Core/Startup/startup_stm32f407vgtx.o] Error 1make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....I am facing issue.Identify the issue and try to resolve it.
make: *** [Core/Startup/ Core/Startup/startup_stm32f407vgtx.o] Error 1make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....I am facing issue.Identify the issue and try to resolve it.
I am getting a multiple definitions warning when compiling due to Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h redefining PAGESIZE, which is already defined in limits.h (in the RTEMS lib). I am using STM32H7xx specifically, but this issue appears to affect all of ...
Hello,I need to parse a raw data that I receive UART3 interface. Then, I will send to a PC to show results in serial monitor. Before implementing in the microcontroller, I tested my approach in a C compiler. A sample raw data in the buffer array and ...
Hi, does have any line of STM32 possibility to measure 20 differential channels with voltages of about 100-150mV. So PGA will be welcome. In classic parametric search, I cannot find such parameters.
Hello,My message is too long so I put the question first and context after:Any advice regarding the most robust way to implement HAL_UART_ErrorCallback() ?For now I have: // UART Error Handle void HAL_UART_ErrorCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { ...
The cubemx example for ADC scan of internal channels for 743-eval shows the converted values being multiplied by 4. So is it really 16 bit or 14? I have verified the necessity of multiplying by 4 to get correct readings for VBat.
DescriptionIam using stm32f429igt6 board for displaying an image using ltdc display. I have used lvgl library for displaying an image. For 16bit RGB565 format lvgl V7.4 worked well and good but i want V9.1 in which 24 RGB666 format is available. I ha...
Hi, I am using both ADC1 and ADC2 for my project. I want both the ADCs to be configured with different Prescalar . But by doing so I am observing ADC2 working with the ADC1 Prescalar. Why am I facing this issue? Is it possible to configure both the A...
Dear all.I've implemented a M3 and M4 program ( drive a iLi display and 485 port) now I'm porting it to the H5 (H562RGTX).One of the latest issue I'm facing is the jump from bootloader to application. In M3/M4 i used only LL, and the jump has no prob...
Hi Team, @Peter BENSCH We are currently using ST Micro controller STM32G431MBT6 on our project. We are shorting the following pin combinations for HART output feedback which serves as an input to the HART Out generator: PC15(Pin4) and PC0 (Pin8);...