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STM32F4 I2C issues

Posted on September 01, 2013 at 18:26Hello, I am trying to get the I2C bus to run with the MMA8452 accelerometer, but it just wont. I can generate a start condition but nothing else. I'm watching the bus lines with a scope/logic analyzer and I can s...

totally by Associate II
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Stm32f4 ADC exemple

Posted on August 31, 2013 at 19:50hello i tried ST's adc exemple and i got weird values of my variable while debugging , for exemple i got 30 for 2.0 v and -1000 for 2.5 v , so anyone have a working code with no weird things? and thnx :)

help - F103 window watchdog

Posted on August 31, 2013 at 21:45 hello dear forum, I am trying to setup window watchdog on F103 I want wwdg to be reset in a window of 8 - 12 milisecond I set wwdg prescaler to 2 so wwdg timer is counting every 0.227 microsecon...

STM32L151 Signals generator with time shift/delay

Posted on August 28, 2013 at 16:10Hi,I'm trying to generate 3 signal using TIM3&TIM4.the first signal run at 8MHz, DutyCycle 50%, the second signal should run every odd cycles of the first signal and the third should run every even cycles of the fir...

tamir by Associate
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Exiting STOP mode on USART character

Posted on August 30, 2013 at 14:27 Hi, I have a bit of an issue - I'm trying to put an STM32 into STOP mode, but to have it wake up when a character is sent over the USART (and to receive that character). My code is just: // .....

gw by Associate II
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minimum HCLOK for USB OTG FS

Posted on September 01, 2013 at 09:24I use today HCLK of 120Mhz taken from the systemclk of 120Mhz (prescale by 1), and active USB OTG FS no problem. To save power I want to go as much as possible low with the freq, when not during fast operations, ...

Barbie by Associate II
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return address of isr

Posted on August 31, 2013 at 20:31hi i am working on stm32f4. i am having a small programming issue, while my code is executing, ISR comes, i want to change the return address of ISR, i.e it does not goes back from where the processor left the code....

bilal by Associate II
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JavaScript interpreter on STM32 Discovery boards

Posted on February 13, 2013 at 11:34Just to say about a project I've been working on - it's a JavaScript interpreter for the STM32 called Espruino ('s available for the STM32VL, STM32F3 and STM32F4 boards - as well as some ...

gw by Associate II
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