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I'm busy with a USB to Ethernet implementation using the ST USB library and LwIP.When I send a packet to the host (Data IN) that came from the ethernet interface, I know where is the end of an ethernet frame send a zero length packet (ZLP) accordingl...
I've been working on making my SD SDIO card access non blocking. My implementation is a derivative from the standard ST SDIO SD driver (stm324xg_eval_sdio_sd).I'm using Protothreads (basically a state machine) to make the SD SDIO calls non-blocking a...
Posted on March 22, 2016 at 18:41I'm unable to program a STM32 using the STLink2 when the micro has firmware running that puts it into stop mode.I've played with the reset sequence settings in Keil but none of them solve my problem.Does anyone know ...
Posted on May 07, 2014 at 02:56I'm using the STM8L101F3 with IAR. I would like to set and clear the Activation level bit. There is no library function to access this and I'm not sure how to access this register from code. Looking at iostm8l101f3.h, ...
Posted on June 06, 2013 at 00:05All my timer interrupts are working except for TIM1. What could be wrong. I'm using Keil ARM with the STM32F013C8. Here is my startup code: EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler            [WEAK]                 EXPORT  PVD_IRQHand...
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