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distinguish different stm32f407

Posted on November 10, 2014 at 03:39I have developed same binary code that can run on both 100 pins and 176 pins version of stm32f407. How can I distinguish these mcu by checking registers or memory locations? Their cpuid are same?thanks. #cpuid

shark by Senior
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STORAGE_IsReady_HS() function contains garbage

Posted on September 23, 2014 at 01:55Hi AllCube 4.3.1/Keil/F4:When generating a cube project that includes a USB(HS) mass storage driver, if the file ''USBD_Storage_if.c'' already exists in your project AND has been modified within *USER CODE BEGIN*...

stm32f4 discovery lis3dsh communication problem

Posted on November 10, 2014 at 00:19Hi!I have stm32f4 discovery board MB997C. I`m trying to communicate with LIS3DSH accelerometer. I have a problem - MISO line (port PA6) is always high. I`m just trying to get the value of WHO_AM_I register and as...

wersalec by Associate
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Using Internal Reference for ADC measurements

Posted on November 09, 2014 at 20:07Hi,I would like to use the internal reference (1,2 v) for ADC measurements on a STM32L151CC MCU ( 48 pin ). Is it possible? Thanks for your help.BR Per #internal-reference-adc

per23 by Associate
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Posted on November 09, 2014 at 12:46Dear All,I am using CMSIS '' STM32F0-Discovery_FW_V1.0.0 '' library files for STM32F0 MCU programming which does not support GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOD,GPIO_Pin_9); instructionI already checked the ''gpio'' file which ...

How Disable global interrupt with ARM 32F0

Posted on November 02, 2014 at 08:15Dear AllFollowing syntax does nit disable the global interruptPlease advice  uint32_t PriMask = 0x01; //void __enable_irq (void);//Global Interrupt enable (using the instruction CPSIE i) void __set_PRIMASK (uint32...

pic_micro by Associate II
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Apparent bug in CubeMX clock generation

Posted on November 08, 2014 at 01:47 I seem to have found a bug in the clock configuration of the CubeMX software (Version 4.4.0, the latest as far as I can tell). On an STM32F407, I am setting the SYSCLK to use the PLL with the PLL source being...

mjones by Associate
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STM32F429I SDRAM controller without byte select

Posted on November 08, 2014 at 05:37I waited for a 208 pin version for about a year and it is still not available (RUTRONIC now has 14 weeks wait time). So I want to try the STM32F429I (176 pins) for driving an RGB888 LCD with 32-bit SDRAM. It is ''...

michkhol by Associate
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