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Hi ST,There are 2 bugs in Initialization of STM32CubeIDE V1.11.0.I use FreeRTOS, but it shouldn't have any inffluence on these bugs.1.) At function main, the firsr call is to Hal Init and when VREFBuF ist activated, in function HAL_MspInit...
Hi,With CubeMX I can adjust where the repositories are saved. This function is missing in CubeIDE and its also not using the same from CubeMX.Because the saved files are huge, then I get problem when I login/logout in the company. Because the files a...
Does somebody know whats the schedule for Porting Azure RTOS (Specially ThreadX) to cortex M4 family?
Hi,I have a new project which should use only parts with life time of around 10 years. Where can I see on ST's website these information for a MCU?
Hi,I tried to make a Azure RTOS ThreadX project but i saw very poor code quality which makes me unsure if I made the right decision.In the file tx_api.h there are alot of for example following declaration:#define tx_thread_create(t,n,e,i,s,l,p,r,c,a)...
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