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stm32L452CEU6 usb doesnt work with Samsung GalaxyTab A8

I have a board design based on stm32L452 , USB gets recognized on a windows PC and I can talk to the device over any software like putty and a Test software sees the com port and can to the device. However in Android (Iam using samsung  GalaxyTab A8)...

anees by Associate II
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sbsfu boot image not found

hi,i use sbsfu bootloader, the problem was the boot don't found the image.i used Ymodem to send image but the same think .as montionned in the image bellow. 

tawfik by Associate
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Resolved! I2C start condition not generates ( SB flag is never set )

I'm working on stm32f103 I2C peripheral. I've one stm32f103 master and another stm32f103 slave. The master should send some text to the slave, but start condition never generates. The BUSY flag is set as soon as the peripheral is enable and the progr...

ASeyo by Associate II
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does STM32H563ZIT6 has support for OTFDEC

I'm using NUCLEOH56ZI board which consists of STM32H563ZIT6 controller.I'm checking, if there is any provision to encrypt the data/program on external the stm32h563/573 reference manual ,i see OTFDEC is a feature provided for this purpose.bu...

shii by Associate II
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Watchdog not wakeup from the STOP mode occasionally

My STM32L051C8T6 board encountered a very strange phenomenon. It occasionally failed to wake up from the STOP mode, although the IWDG was enabled.I am using Zephyr RTOS, but do not enable Zephyr's power management, and use the following peripherals:1...

guojing by Associate
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Error Target MCU stm32f401cd

Salut la communauté, J'ai créé une carte électronique permettant de visualiser l'état de la batterie d'un ULM. J'ai utilisé le microcontrôleur STM32F401CD, et j'avais initialement prévu d'utiliser uniquement l'horloge interne HSI du MCU, donc je n'ai...

yassir by Associate III
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CAN Filter ExtID

Hi,I want to setup the CAN filter but I don't understand how to do so.I have made lot of test but nothing work fine.I want to have only message 0x18FF01D0, 0x18FF02D0, 0x18FF03D0, 0x18FF05D0, 0x18FF07D0, 0x18FF0CD0 and a stdID 0x401.To test to have o...

AJouv by Associate II
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Resolved! UART RTS/CTS not working

Dear Sir.I am trying to test for rts/cts , I use a program that transmit a 16 byte dataevery 1 ms .Tying rts or cts to gnd or 3.3v  makes no impact on the TX output.How do I insure that the code  works with RTS\CTS ? Pleas advise 

reprogramming STEVAL-STWINKT1B using RS-485

I have used the evaluation board (STEVAL-STWINKT1B) for a while now, and have always used USB cable to load my hex files to reprogram it.I would like to repogram it using RS-485 with the Stm32CubeProgrammer, is this possible? do I need to make any ad...

NivR by Associate
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