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Forum Posts

STM32G0B1 FDCAN and bit timing

Hi,I would like to use the FDCAN peripheral of the STM32G0B1, for CAN2.0B.Coming from the F0 CAN peripheral, I can understand most of the new peripheral easily.However, for the bit timing, per FDCAN specification, there are 2 bit times: the nominal (...

Kraal by Senior III
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STM32H750 issue switching system clock to PLL1

I'm trying to get the STM32H750 discovery board running at 400MHz with as little code as possible. (plain C with ST's startup file, cherry-picking structs and defines from CMSIS)As far as I can tell I do most of the things, ST's examples do before an...

Resolved! Nucleo F446RE power supply

Good morningI am about to receive a Nucleo F446RE board.I'd like to add a 5V power supply, not using only the USB power supply.Can I give the supply from an AC/DC converter (220V AC to 5V DC)?Can I connect it directly to the board?Do I need to connec...

FabioCC by Associate II
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Encryption csv file

HelloMCU has SD card & USB in MSC Device mode. I am storing data on SD card in csv fatfs format. The data from SD card can be read on computer by making connecting with USB. Now I want to encrypt the data so only my GUI application software on comput...

Nico3 by Senior
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Resolved! Delete repository files STM32Cube

I urgently need to free up space on Windows and this folder weighs about 20gb.Obviously I plan to save all these files in a flash drive before deleting it, to avoid any kind of problem,But I ask you what is this folder, what files it contains and if ...

luke514 by Senior
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Resolved! stm32u5 start up time too long

Hello, ST expert CubeMX generated software framework is used for our STM32U595VJT6 based hardware design. It works well but for the low start up time. It takes almost 1 second between 3.3V is stable and the flag GPIO turns high in MX_GPIO_Init. Is th...

Yang Yang by Associate II
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